Higher Engagement For Your Social Media Posts & How You Can Leverage It In Your Shopify Store

Social media is an easy and cost-effective way to reach your audience.

Social media engagement is so important because the more people that engage with your content the more people will see your product services and the more people are going to buy from you and that is money in your bank.

If you want to show off your brand’s unique style and you’re looking to create a more fun atmosphere on your Shopify store as well on your social media channels. This is your chance to throw a few crazy ideas in the mix to create a campaign that has never been done before.

Here we will share a strategy that will deliver higher engagement for your products and collections on the store & on social media platforms which will help you gain more engagement. It will do so because it will position you differently in the eyes of your customers.

Millenials say GIFs communicate their thoughts better than EnglishTIME Magazine

As the quote suggests Gifs are so easy to consume, they are quick, clear, and enjoyable.

People are so used to scrolling past images in their social media feeds, and once you start making those images move, it causes your audience to take pause and actually look at your post or ad. Similarly, when someone is in your store and they see images of your products moving rather than a static image it will create a more powerful impact and boost up your sales. They are the best replacement for static images of your products and can be shared on any platform because of their functionalities.

Gifs are easier, faster, and cheaper to create than full videos. This is the power of GIF marketing and exactly why you should start taking advantage of these awesome animated graphics in your store. While there are many different types of GIFs – from movie/TV clips to memes – we're not talking about those. They can still be great for humorous online content, but today we're talking about creating branded GIFs specific to your business and content.  


Higher engagement for your social media posts on Facebook :

One great way to increase reach and engagement is to post about your products on Facebook. Not only can this increase your chances of appearing in feeds, but people will be more likely to comment on and share your posts as well.

It works way better if you send the right messages in an animated form using videos or GIFs than just simply writing a text explaining the product. It seems so basic, but it’s still a powerful strategy to use for your every post.

Higher engagement for your social media posts on Instagram :

For now, Instagram remains the sweetheart of the social media scene for marketers. And it’s not hard to see why, since 13% of everyone on Earth is on it, and 80% of them follow brands. While there’s no magic bullet for the best time or amount to post on Instagram. But there can be magic in your product images. You can add animation with the help of Picamaze and create visual images which will stand out from your competitors. 

Higher engagement for your social media posts on Twitter :

Taka Machi, the founder of Japanese told us:

I think this is because of the amount of information in a narrow range increases. People see images rather than letters. I don’t think people who don’t buy it will read it even if they put a description after the image. However, you can convey that information by putting it in an image.”

Twitter is the king of GIFs.

A study of 3.7 million accounts showed that Tweets with a GIF gained 55% more engagement than those withoutТwitter Internal Data

 In Conclusion

Social media is beginning to take its rightful throne in the world of marketing as for many businesses it’s the key catalyst for brand growth. If done right, it’s domino-effect can create waves of positivity for many businesses to boost brand awareness and increase conversions to improve company profits.

Think about your branding and targeted audience. Be consistent with it and it will pay off. Nowadays, animations and different video formats are what rule social media. Thus, in order to get higher engagement for your social media posts, you have to master what is needed to animate your posts. If your store is powered by Shopify check our app Picamaze which will bring your images to life for higher click-through rate, engagement, and conversions. It will make your life easier and will allow you to make stunning visuals for your products’ images in GIF or MP4 formats.

Hope you found the above valuable .

Visit :- https://www.picamaze.com/ to explore more.





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